

The film portrays the journey of «Fathi,» a photographer from the south, who suddenly shifted from being a wedding photographer and capturing scenes of joy and life to documenting the tragedy that struck southern Tunisia and the border with Libya. He even went further, capturing death through images of clandestine migrants who drowned and were washed ashore by the sea.

INTENTION NOTE  : This documentary’s primary focus is not merely to deal with a rare individual from this important archive, but to delve into the human archive of its creator, encompassing all the deep narratives and stories he has experienced.


Born in Gafsa, Tunisia, Abdallah Yahya studied at ISAMM, where he pursued training in filmmaking.In 2011, Abdallah Yahya directed his first documentary film, We Are Here. As a documentary filmmaker, he is interested in exploring complex and important subjects centered in areas at the heart of societal issues.

Producer: SLIM BALJA 

Born in Tunisia, Slim Balja, an experienced production director, has distinguished himself in numerous audiovisual projects, notably documentaries for several channels such as Al Jazeera Doc and Discovery Channel.Graduated from ISAMM in 2013.