JCC 2022

Registrations Films


(*) : Required fields   Files to download must not exceed 2MB  

Civility : *
Email to confirm the registration
Civility : *
Civility : *
Email to confirm the registration
Applicants are kindly required to respect the maximum of characters as indicated
Synopsis in French : *
550 characters (including spaces)

Synopsis in English : *
550 characters (including spaces)

Synopsis in Arabic :
550 characters (including spaces)

Note of intent : *
1 page max

Short treatment : *
Between 2 and 10 pages

A recap for an estimated production budget in euros or in US Dollars : *
1 page max

A financial plan in euros or in US Dollars : *
1 page max

A biography of the author in French *
350 characters (including spaces)

A biography of the author in English : *
350 characters (including spaces)

A biography of the author in Arabic :
350 characters (including spaces)

Photos of the author : *
Photo high resolution 300 DPI: does not exceed 2MB

A biography of the director in French : *
350 characters (including spaces)

A biography of the director in English : *
350 characters (including spaces)

A biography of the director in Arabic :
350 characters (including spaces)

Photos of the director : *
Photo high resolution 300 DPI: does not exceed 2MB

A biography of the producer or the production company in French : *
350 characters (including spaces)

A biography of the producer or the production company in English : *
350 characters (including spaces)

A biography of the producer or the production company in Arabic :
350 characters (including spaces)

Photo of the producer : *
Photo high resolution 300 DPI: does not exceed 2MB

Poster of the project : *
Photo high resolution 300 DPI: does not exceed 2MB

Watching movie
Only complete applications will be considered.
In compliance with the Carthage Film Festival (Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage) regulations, the closing date for entries is the 15/09/2024
Regulations CHABAKA 2024
Download the general rules 2024

Upon receipt of your subscription, you shall receive confirmation by email with your reference code.

Email 1 :