JCC 2017 du 4 au 11 novembre 2017



Hernán Guerschuny - Argentina


Proud parents of two kids, Leonel and Paola have been happily married for 12 years. He is a famous scriptwriter and she is a successful psychologist. But that does not mean all is good in their marriage. The news, over a dinner, that their best friends are breaking up, pushes them to confront their doubts.

Technical details

Genre: Feature film
Duration: 90 minutes
Production year: 2015
Country: Argentina
Casting: Sebastian Wainraich - Carla Peterson - Soledad Silveyra Rafael Spregelburd - Maria Carambula - Justina BustosSebastian Wainraich - Carla Peterson - Soledad Silveyra Rafael Spregelburd - Maria Carambula - Justina Bustos
Script: Hernán Guerschuny - Sebastian Wainraich
DOP: Marcelo Lavintman
Editing: Augustin Rolandelli
Director: Hernán Guerschuny
Production company: MEIKINCINE
Email: info@meikincine.com

Hernán Guerschuny is an Argentinian director and producer. He studied Cinematography at the CIC. Known for «El Critico» (2013), «Una noche de amor» (2016) and «Abzurdah» (2015).