Glauber ROCHA - Brazil


In Eldorado, an imaginary Latin American country convulsed by a domestic power struggle, a jaded journalist, Paulo Martins, tries to survive the ongoing disaster.

Film details

Genre : Narrative Feature film
Duration : 115 minutes
Year of production : 1967
Country : Brazil
Casting : Jardel Filho - Paulo Autran - José Lewgoy Fernando Alves Pinto - Alexandre Borges - Laura Cardoso Glauce Rocha - Danuza Leão - Hugo Carvana
Screenwriter : Glauber Rocha
Cinematography : Luiz Carlos Barreto
Editor : Eduardo Escorel
Director : Glauber ROCHA
Production company : Mapafilmes - Difilm

Glauber Rocha (1939-81) was a Brazilian director, screenwriter, actor, editor, composer and producer. He was a leader of the Cinema Novo movement and wrote about the cinema as both journalist and polemicist.