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Hommage au cinéma algérien en célébration du cinquantenaire de l’indépendance CM

We will not die ( Algeria-France 2010 )

Color: Fiction, color, 20’

Direction: Amal Kateb

Screenplay: Amal Kateb

Director of Photography: Favel Thomas

Sound: Cadilhac Romain

Music: Deymed

Editing: Perrot Mathieu

Cast: Diaz (MBS) Mamooth (AHM)

Production: Les Films au long court


Oran, one Friday of Summer 1994. After a report in Kabul, Salim returns to his hometown at the time of prayer. He finds Houria, the woman he loves, hidden in a secret apartment. To celebrate their reunion, Salim pulls out a bottle of wine, unearthed in Afghanistan. But then, Houria has no openener...
