Version Française النسخة العربية
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Contemporary Turkish cinema - JCC 2008
Focus on Algerian cinema
Palestine: So we don’t forget - JCC 2008
Tribute to Humbert BALSAN
Special sessions
Low Budget – Africa and Ireland - JCC 2008
Panorama of Tunisian cinema - JCC 2008
Cinémas du monde

ALEXANDRA (Russie, 2007 )

35 mm - Couleur – 90’
Direction: Alexandre Sokourov
Cast: Galina Vishhnevskaya, Vassily Shetvtsov


A Russian military officer based in Chechenya receives a visit from his grandmother, Alexandra. She asks questions, listens to the soldiers, and meets the Chechenyan women in the neighboring village. With her free spirit and outspokenness, this old women turns the orderly life of the military camp upside down.


29, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière, 75009 Paris / France
Tel.: + 33 1 42 46 46 30 - Fax : + 33 1 42 46 40 82
Tunisie télécom
Partners - JCC 2008