Version Française النسخة العربية
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Palestine: So we don’t forget - JCC 2008
Tribute to Humbert BALSAN
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Low Budget – Africa and Ireland - JCC 2008
Panorama of Tunisian cinema - JCC 2008
Cinémas du monde

HNIFA, UNE VIE BRÛLÉE (Algérie, 2007)

Documentaire - Vidéo - Couleur – 61’
Direction: Ramdane Iftini & Sami Allam


The portrait of Kabyle singer, Hnifa, who died in 1981. Often compared to Edith Piaf, this artist with a romantic yet tragic destiny, sang about women, impossible love, exile and the dark side of life. It is a side of the history of contemporary Algeria which is portrayed through this biography.


14, Bd Zirout Youcef, Alger / Algérie
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Partners - JCC 2008