Version Française النسخة العربية
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Low Budget – Africa and Ireland - JCC 2008
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GAZA FIXER (Palestine, 2007)

Documentaire - Couleur – 22’
Directio: George Azar
Scénario / Image / Son : George Azar
Screenplay / Director of Photography / Sound :
George Azar
Editing: Nahed Awad
Production: George Azar, Mariam Shahin,


Foreign reporters in conflict zones often rely on local ‘fixers’, people who help journalists get their stories. Raed Atharmneh is one of them, in the Gaza Strip. A terrible event puts him at the very centre of international media attention.


George Azar
P.O. Box 940574 Amman, 11194 / Jordanie
Tél : + 962 77 660 0081 -

Tunisie télécom
Partners - JCC 2008