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SILENCE (Tunisie, 2008)

Documentaire - Couleur – 63’
Direction: Karim Souaki
Screenplay: Karim Souaki
Director of Photography: Medhi Bouhlel,
Amen Gharbi
Sound: Aymen Sèhli
Music: Jimmy
Editing: Ala Eddine Slim
Cast: Ali Hassan Halidi, Asthadina Msa Soilihi


According to medical terminology, Jimmy is a «PLWAIDS », a person living with the AIDS virus. But he is first a man who, every day, fights against discrimination and the stigma of being ill. He educates the people in his neighborhood, and urges them to spend more time with those who are sick. Through this portrait of Jimy, this documentary gives us a close look at Tunisian society, its perception and understanding of this disease and social standards, and invites us to break certain taboos – to begin with the one of talking openly about it.


Born in Tunis in 1977, Karim Souaki studied at l’Ecole des Arts et du Cinéma (EDAC) in Tunis and began with the Tunisian Federation of Amateur Filmmakers.

He has directed two short documentary films: «Qui aime la vie?», and «Histoire d’une femme». «Silence» is his first feature documentary.


Rue Kamel Ataturk , Pass 2, imm1, Tunis / Tunisie
Tél. : + 216 71 348 038 - Fax : + 216 71 348 017 -

Tunisie télécom
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