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Official Selection Perspectives

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Sélection officielle Perspectives long métrages

Androman ..blood and coal ( Morocco 2012 )

Color: Fiction, color, 97’

Direction: azlalarabe alaoui

Screenplay: azlalarabe alaoui

Director of Photography: fadel chouika

Sound: najib chlih

Music: mohamed oussama

Editing: ghizlan assif

Cast: mohamed khouyi`,jalila tlemssi, amin naji, mohamed majd,lina hanafi



In a marginalized province at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, a modest family whose father Ouchen, arrogant and boorish works as a collier and he wants to bequeath his job to his son but fate deprives him from the boy who would have been able to succeed him. He decided to change his eldest daughter, to a boy Androman. Reluctant to her father’s will and haunted by the desire to become a woman again, she falls in love.


Azlarabe Alaoui is a director, a writer, a researcher and a critic. Doctorin visual film discourse, he is a loreate of the school of film and television - Canada and author of the book: "The critical approach in the Moroccan film speech " 1905 - 2000 " and several documentaries for national and international channels.