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Screens of the future

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Screens of the future feature films

Lampadusa-Parigi, a travel journal ( Italy 2012 )

Color: Documentary, color, 50’

Direction: Emiliano Pappacena

Director of Photography: Emiliano Pappacena

Sound: Federico Tummolo

Music: Francesco Taskayali

Editing: Marco Careri

Production: Daimon Production


Le voyage de quelques migrants tunisiens, de leur accostage à Lampedusa en Avril 2011 et leur arrivée en banlieue parisienne. Le film suit le débarquement sur l’île, le transfert dans les centres d’accueil, la distribution des titres de séjour temporaires, le voyage en train à travers la Péninsule, le franchissement de la frontière à Vintimille et l’arrivée sur le territoire français.


Emiliano Pappacena was born in Latina in 1979. In 1999 he worked in publishing with the creation and management of online magazine Dissonanze.net. In 2007, the channel Rai Due aired "The migrant economy" his report on the economic potential of immigration. He has produced and directed several documentaries on social issues for the channel Rai Educational.