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Panorama of Tunisian cinema short films

Neighbours ( Tunisia 2011 )

Color: Documentary, color, 24’

Direction: Mahmoud Osman Turki

Screenplay: Mahmoud Osman Turki

Director of Photography: Mahmoud Osman Turki

Sound: Mahmoud Osman Turki

Music: Folklore tunisien

Editing: Mahmoud Osman Turki

Cast: Malika - Zakia

Production: Kantaoui Films


This documentary reveals the many facets of ruin: hardware, sentimental, human and social ruins through the story of two old women neighbors, reduced to living next to one another in the solitude of two large old houses in a village on the southern shore of the Mediterranean.


Mahmoud Osman Turki is a Tunisian director, member of the International Federation of Film Critics and several national and international festivals. He is also a supervisor and a trainer in the field of audio-visual.