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Hommage au cinéma algérien en célébration du cinquantenaire de l’indépendance LM

The battle of Algiers ( Algeria-Italy 1966 )

Color: Fiction, NB 121’

Direction: Gillo Pontecorvo

Screenplay: Franco Solinas d’après le livre de Yacef Saadi

Director of Photography: Marcello Gatti et Tonino Delli Colli

Sound: Gillo Pontecorvo Montage : Mario Morra et Mario Serandrei

Music: Ennio Morricone

Cast: Brahim Haggiag, Jean Martin, Yacef Saadi, Latafi Ahmed, Larbi Zekkal, Samia Kerbash, Ugo Paletti, Fusia El Kader

Production: Casbah Films/Igor Film


Drawn and inspired by stories of those who lived there, the Battle of Algiers offers a reconstruction of the events that shook the capital of Algeria and shook international opinion at the time of the revolutionary war waged by the Algerian people against the colonial occupation forces. A moving tribute to the little people of Algiers, hero of a ruthless urban guerrilla. It is drawn and inspired by stories of those who lived there.


A beginning journalist, Gilli Pontecorvo, highly upset by Paisa of Roberto Rossellini, decided to devote himself to cinema. Assistant of Francesco Maselli and Mario Monicelli, he made his debut in the documentary. He then directed The Blue Highway and Kapo. After a long eclipse, Pontecorvo signs the Battle of Algiers, Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1966. The French censors will only grant a visa to the film in 1971.