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Hommage au cinéma algérien en célébration du cinquantenaire de l’indépendance LM

Tahia Ya Didou ( Algeria 1971 )

Color: Fiction, couleur,76’

Direction: Mohamed Zinet

Screenplay: Mohamed Zinet, Himoud Brahimi

Director of Photography: Ali Marok, Bruno Muel, Pierre Clément

Sound: A. Oulmi

Music: Mohamed El-Anka

Cast: Himoud Brahimi, Mohamed Zinet, Georges Arnaud, N. Drais, Suzie Nacer

Production: Mairie d’Alger


A Mixture of archival footage and scenes of fiction, the film is a tribute to the city of Algiers, which is the origin of the project. Random walks and meetings, Simon and his wife, a couple of French tourists discover Algiers. Simon acknowledges in an Algerian bistro he once tortured. The man stares at him. Simon panics and runs away.


Mohamed Zinet (1932-1995). Officer in the National Liberation Army, he was wounded and sent to Tunis, where he became a member of the artistic group, nucleus of the future Algerian National Theatre. Back to Algiers in 1964, he was an assistant in handsfree by Ennio Lorenzini and The Battle of Algiers by Gillo Pontecorvo. He was also an actor in Monangambé by Sarah Maldoror (1968), and The Three cousins and the Ajoncs by René Vautier (1970), Aziza by Abdellatif Ben Ammar (1980)