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Hommage au cinéma algérien en célébration du cinquantenaire de l’indépendance CM
Houria ( Algeria 2007 )
Color: Fiction, color, 26’
Direction: Mohamed Yargui
Screenplay: Mohamed Yargui
Director of Photography: Jean Marie Delorm
Sound: Alain Sironval
Music: Bazou
Editing: Akila Iken
Cast: Rania Serouti, Larbi Zekal, Lynda Selam, Wahid Gasmi
Production: Saphina prod
Houria, a 23 year old young woman, kidnapped and raped faces a society that accuses and rejects. As she begins to regain a taste for life, she meets her rapist by chance and, despite the pressure from her family, decides to expose and reveal her secret.