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Hommage au cinéma algérien en célébration du cinquantenaire de l’indépendance CM

The last passenger ( Algeria 2007 )

Color: Fiction, color, 7’

Direction: Mounes Khammar

Screenplay: Mounes Khammar

Director of Photography: Mathieu Pansard

Sound: Hachemi Abdelkader

Music: Dai’ano

Editing: Redhouane Zaaboubi

Cast: Mohamed Bouchaib, Khaled Benaissa, Malika Belbey, Linda Sellam, Ahmed Benaissa, Larbi Zekal, Zahra Harkat, Arslen Mohamed Adjaim, Imen Nouel, Re

Production: Saphine


A young jumps from a cliff. Before leaving forever, his soul pays a visit to to his two impossible loves : a woman and the stage of a concert hall.
