JCC 2022



The ceremony of the awarding of the Parallel Juries

Be there for the ceremony of the awarding of the Parallel Juries, Friday, November 4 at the Hotel Africa, 5th Floor at 3 pm:

  • Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT)
  • International Federation of Film Press (FIPRESCI)
  • African Federation of Film Critics (FACC)

Prix des jurys Parallèles


the awards ceremony of Takmil

Be there for the awards ceremony of the Parallel competition on the section Carthage Industry Days on Friday, November 4 at the at the Sofia Golli hall at 5 pm



The opening of our "On the Road" section

On the occasion of the opening of our "On the Road" section, come and join us for the opening of the exhibition "On the Road" by Isabelle Coulon on Wednesday, November 2 at 2:00 pm in the foyer of the Opera of the Cité de la Culture. And the screening of the opening film "Une route pour Phirilongwe" directed by Jean-Michel Corillion et Isabelle Coulon, at the 4th Art hall, Wednesday November 2nd from 3:30 pm.

Une Route pour Phirilongwe
Une Route pour Phirilongwe


The international symposium of the 33rd edition of Carthage Film Festival

CREATING, A WAY TO RESIST is the title of the international symposium of the 33rd edition of Carthage Film Festival. It is an invitation to share free conversations and debate with national and international specialists to rethink the world and try to heal it.
Link to download the PDF program

Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the special guest for the 33rd edition

As part of supporting Arab and African new experiences, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the special guest for the 33rd edition of Carthage Film Festival.
Seven films will be screened, directed by emerging Saudi filmmakers, five feature narrative films, one feature documentary and one short narrative film.

The screenings will be followed by debates with the directors.

Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite


The members of the jury of the official competition Carthage Critics' Week

The Steering Committee of the 33rd edition of Carthage Film Festival is honored to present the members of the jury of the official competition Carthage Critics' Week :

  • Serge Toubina – Président du jury (France)
  • Kamel Ramzi – Membre du jury (Egypt)
  • Chiara Spagnoli Gabardi – Membre du jury (Italy)
  • Thierno Ibrahima Dia – Membre du jury (Senegal)

jury de la compétition officielle Semaine de la Critique De Carthage
jury de la compétition officielle Semaine de la Critique De Carthage
jury de la compétition officielle Semaine de la Critique De Carthage
jury de la compétition officielle Semaine de la Critique De Carthage


Selected film projects - Takmil

Carthage Industry Days is a professional platform that hosts European cinema experts and professionals based on the principles of sharing expertise, knowledge, and networks with African and Arab –speaking professionals. It aims to build a network, offer opportunities and support and most importantly to share the passion for cinema as a magical place for encounters Overseas.

The screenings will be followed by debates in presence of the filmmakers.

Selected film projects:

  • Spring came laughing / Narrative Feature (Egypt)
  • Defying Ashes / Documentary Feature (Kenya)
  • A Summer in Boujad / Narrative Feature (Morocco)
  • Rough Sea, a Tuareg story / Documentary Feature (Mauritania)
  • Life is a railroad / Narrative Feature (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • God’s captivating face / Documentary Feature (Tunisia)
  • Mouvma Poets like no other / Documentary Feature (Tunisia)
  • Le Roumi: une histoire à ressusciter / Narrative Feature (Tunisia)

Projets de films - Takmil
Projets de films - Takmil
Projets de films - Takmil
Projets de films - Takmil
Projets de films - Takmil
Projets de films - Takmil
Projets de films - Takmil
Projets de films - Takmil


The President and Members of Carthage Industry Days Jury:

The Steering Committee of the Carthage Film Festival, in its 33rd edition, has the honour to present the President and Members of Carthage Industry Days Jury:

  • Karim Hammouda - President of the Jury - Tunisia
  • Ahmed Shawky - Member of the Jury - Egypt
  • Hicham Falah - Member of the Jury - Morocco

hommage Jean-Louis Trintignant
hommage Jean-Luc Godard
hommage Jean-Luc Godard



Carthage Film Festival proposes during this 33rd edition, pays homage to two sacred monsters of cinema who have recently left us, they have marked the cinephilia for decades, Jean Luc Godard (director) and Jean-Louis Trintignant (actor) and in the framework of special sessions, two films: Pierrot le fou and vivement dimanche

hommage Jean-Louis Trintignant
hommage Jean-Luc Godard


Tributes: They drew stars in our hearts!

The 33rd edition of Carthage Film Festival is honored to pay tribute to the pioneers who have left their mark on our cinema through their creativity, commitment and intelligence. Their experience has been edifying for a whole generation.
This tribute is paid to the living as well as to those who have left us. If our recognition is addressed to them today, it is because they were able to draw stars in our hearts; it is because they remained dignified and proud until the end. One of their common denominators is that they are all children of the JCC. Those who have left us will be celebrated in the presence of their relatives and friends, and those who are still with us will share their still-vibrant emotions with the public and extend the glory of the festival through the films they will present, the memories they will share and the memory of which they are the guardians.

Hommages JCC 2022
Hommages JCC 2022
Hommages JCC 2022
Hommages JCC 2022
Hommages JCC 2022
Hommages JCC 2022


On the Road

In the new section "Mediterranean Visions" of the 33rd edition of Carthage Film Festival 2022, we are pleased to present "On the Road", an ethnographic documentary trilogy by Isabelle Coulon and Jean-Michel Corillion, which focuses on communities living in isolated regions of the world, that are on the verge of experiencing a real revolution: the arrival of the road! For some, this ribbon of land opens the way to progress, development and change. For others, the road is dooming a habitat, a culture and traditions to disappear.
The screenings will be followed by debates in presence of the filmmakers.

Sur la route
Sur la route


Crossed Views of Women Filmmakers from the South and the North: Exile, Migration and Refugees

The 33rd edition of Carthage Film Festival 2022 is pleased to present the photo exhibition entitled "Mediterranean Visions".
Photo-cinematographic stroll around the middle white sea :
To pave a singular aesthetic path, a plural road, from the northern shore of the Mediterranean to the very edge of southern China, via Malawi and rediscover the legacies of a rich past and a present of struggles and dreams: these three exhibitions of the JCC On the Road (France), Fellini (Italy) and La Mirada Horizontal (Spain) are an invitation to escape and imagine through multiple territories and to take a poetic look at these journeys. These three original and remarkable exhibitions are in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy, the Cervantes Institute and the Italian Cultural Institute.

l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes
l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes
l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes
l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes
l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes


The photo exhibition entitled "Mediterranean Visions"

The 33rd edition of Carthage Film Festival 2022 is pleased to present the photo exhibition entitled "Mediterranean Visions".
Photo-cinematographic stroll around the middle white sea :
To pave a singular aesthetic path, a plural road, from the northern shore of the Mediterranean to the very edge of southern China, via Malawi and rediscover the legacies of a rich past and a present of struggles and dreams: these three exhibitions of the JCC On the Road (France), Fellini (Italy) and La Mirada Horizontal (Spain) are an invitation to escape and imagine through multiple territories and to take a poetic look at these journeys. These three original and remarkable exhibitions are in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy, the Cervantes Institute and the Italian Cultural Institute.

l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes
l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes
l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes
l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes
l’exposition photo intitulée visions Méditerranéennes


The World according to Fellini

In the new section "Mediterranean Visions" of the 33rd edition of the JCC 2022, we are pleased to present "The World according to Fellini": 4 new films about the career and the extraordinary personality of the Maestro and three great classics directed by him.
The 4 films will be screened in the presence of the directors: Eugenio Cappucio, Catherine McGilvray, Gérald Morin and Francesca Fabbri Fellini.
A debate will follow the projections.

Le Monde selon Fellini
Le Monde selon Fellini
Le Monde selon Fellini
Le Monde selon Fellini
Le Monde selon Fellini


Focus Palestine

Restored and unseen films from the late 60s, unforgettable classics and recent films to discover or rediscover in the Focus Palestine of this 33rd edition of the festival 2022.
In memory of the late Jocelyne Saab, the late Borhane Alaouié and the late Chawki Mejri (...), in the presence of key directors: Kais El Zubaidi, Rashid Masharawi, Michel Khleifi and Kacem Hawal..., short and feature-length documentaries and fiction films that at times reflect the cruelty of the Palestinian reality and at others the poetry of the imagination and resistance. Works of a striking delicacy.

The screenings will be followed by a film debate.

Focus Palestine kais El Zubaidi
Focus Palestine Chawki Mejri
Focus Palestine Michel Khleifi
Focus Palestine Kassem Hawal
Focus Palestine Borhane Alaouie
Focus Palestine Jocelyne Saab
Focus Palestine Rashid Masharawi


Focus Espagne

Hello to you, freedom!
The 33rd edition of the Carthage Film Festival (JCC) honors Spanish cinema through an immersion in the filmography of pioneers, emergent and young women filmmakers. Committed and creative, these female figures have been able to transmit through their films the historical role of women since the era of Franco's dictatorship until today. A breath of freedom, both dazzling and delightful.

Focus Esspagne Veronica
Focus Esspagne Silvia
Focus Esspagne Merticxell Collel
Focus Esspagne Margarita
Focus Esspagne Josephina
Focus Esspagne Clara
Focus Esspagne Celia
Focus Esspagne carmen
Focus Esspagne ana lambari
Focus Esspagne Alauda



Le comité directeur de la 33ème session des Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage, qui se tiendra durant la période du 29 octobre au 5 novembre 2022, annonce l'ouverture des candidatures aux personnels du Ministère des Affaires Culturelles et des établissements sous sa tutelle, pour travailler au sein des équipes organisatrices des JCC et ceci dans les spécialités suivantes :

  • Agent de réception
  • Agent de contrôle
  • Guichetier
Les personnes souhaitant proposer une candidature doivent remplir le formulaire comme suit :
  • En ligne via l’URL : Cliquer ici
  • Par demande écrite retirée directement au siège du Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image, situé à la cité de la culture, et déposée au bureau d’ordre.
La date limite de soumission des candidatures est fixée au 7 octobre 2022.
Une commission spécialisée se réunit pour étudier et examiner les dossiers de candidatures. Seuls les candidats retenus, après délibération des résultats, seront convoqués.


Tribute Hichem Rostom

As part of the 33rd session of the Carthage Film Festival, we will pay tribute to the late Hichem Rostom, the great Tunisian actor and artist.
Thus, honoring his contribution to the cultural development of the African and Arab worlds.
May God Almighty grant his infinite mercy to the dearly departed.
As a reminder, the current edition of the JCC will be held from the 29th of October to the 05th of November 2022.

Hichem Rostom ... a vivid cinematic memory

The management of the 33rd session of Carthage Film Festival (JCC), which will be held from October 29 to November 5, 2022, is honoring the late star Hichem Rostom.

Hichem Rostom’s name was associated with the springtime of Tunisian cinema in the 80s, when he returned after a long stay in Paris that started in the early 70s to participate in the "The golden clogs" of Nouri Bouzid. Shortly after he became one of the most noticeable actors of the Tunisian cinema.

And so began the journey of Rostom with the Tunisian cinema and television. He participated in the most important Tunisian films working with all the influential Tunisian directors such as Taïeb Louhichi, Moufida Tlatli, Abdellatif ben Ammar, Nacer khemir, Moncef Dhouib, Mahmoud ben Mahmoud and Nidhal Chata.

He also participated in numerous foreign works, while actively participating in the National TV productions; he stared in the most distinguished Tunisian dramas working with all the big names in the direction of televised series such as Slaheddine Essid Habib Msalmani, Hammadi Arafa and others.

Hichem Rostom's work in both the big and small screen did not prevent him from maintaining his theatrical presence: he stared in "Alissa" a play based on the original text of Samir Ayadi, which made the opening ceremony of Carthage International Festival in 1995, he also participated in many theatrical adaptations such as Albert Camus’ "The Stranger" and Shakespeare’s "Othello". He also directed Carthage International Festival. He supervised dozens of theatrical writing workshops in French. To showcase his commitment to humanitarian issues, the late Hichem Rostom had many charitable actions.

In recognition of his lifework that has enriched the Tunisian culture, the Carthage Film Festival will pay tribute to this great artist at the opening ceremony, presenting a montage summarizing his artistic career, in the presence of his family and many directors and technicians who worked with him. The festival will also present two of his most outstanding films as part of its homage section.

Tribute Hichem Rostom

Film production tender

Call for tenders in simplified procedures N°01/2022
AROUND THE THEME "Cinematographic adaptation of a short story drawn from recent or heritage Tunisian literature "

The National Center for Cinema and Image (CNCI) is launching a Call for tenders in simplified procedures to choose four cinematographic production companies for the executive production of four short films around the theme " Cinematographic adaptation of a short story drawn from recent or heritage Tunisian literature"

Interested tenderers may withdraw the specifications starting from the date of publication of this notice.
The envelopes containing the offers must be sent by registered post or by express post to the National Center for Cinema and Image - at the Cite de la Culture Block Cinema 4th floor Avenue Mohamed 5 1001 - Tunis - or deposited directly at the registry office of the CNCI in return of a discharge. These envelopes must be closed and sealed and they must bear the reference and subject of the call for tenders with the words "do not open, call for tenders in simplified procedures N° 01/2022 relating to the executive production of four short films around the theme " Cinematographic adaptation of a short story drawn from recent or heritage Tunisian literature ". The envelope must contain the following documents:
1. Administrative documents:
2. Technical documents:
3- The financial offer:

All the documents listed above must be signed and bearing the tenderer's stamp and the date appearing on their last page.
Tenderers, by the mere fact of submitting their tenders, are bound by their tenders for a period of 120 days from the day following the deadline fixed for the receipt of tenders.
The deadline for receipt of tenders is set for July 13, 2022 at 12:00 a.m. (as attested by the CNCI stamp).
The bid opening session will take place on Monday July 13, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at the CNCI headquarters.


Carthage Cinema Festival 2022

In 2022, we are celebrating the 56th anniversary of Carthage Cinema Festival (Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage (JCC). For more than half a century, we have been committed to serve and promote the African, Arab, Asian, and Latin-American cinema, in view of welcoming contributions from other countries and regions worldwide.

The current year’s 33rd session, which will be held October 29 to November 5, 2022, is taken in charge of by a new team, managed by Ms. Sonia Chamkhi as Director General, and Mr. IbBrahim Letaeif as Artistic Director.

We, the members of the team are greatly pleased to renew our fruitful collaboration with the southern cinema professionals, our partners, and express the thrill of meeting the exceptional JCC public, whose attendance remains the unique signature of our success.


General & Artistic Direction

Sonia Chamkhi / Biography
Sonia Chamkhi is Associate Professor at the Higher School of Audiovisual and Cinema (ESAC, University of Carthage). She holds a PhD in cinema, audiovisual and television arts (Paris-Pantheon-Sorbonne), with a degree in image design, film- making and screen play writing. Sonia Chamkhi is a filmmaker, a fiction writer and a researcher.

Wholly engaged in the cultural and artistic scene, Sonia Chamkhi was also appointed as Director General of the National Cinema and Image Center (CNCI), Chairwoman of the Association of Tunisian film makers (ARFT), Director of the National Cinema Festival and the Vice-president of the Independent Union of filmmakers/ producers (SIRP) and the Union of Tunisian artists (UAT).

Sonia Chamkhi is also a writer of four books which have received numerous national and African literary prizes, including the CREDIF Prize for scientific research in 2003, the Zoubeida Bchir Prize for women creation in 2008, the COMAR Prize for the first novel in 2009 and an Honorary distinction of the NOMA Prize of African edition in 2009. She is a member of the Parliament of French-speaking Writers.

Ibrahim Letaeif / Biography
Ibrahim Letaief graduated in expression and communication sciences at the University Paris-Panthéon-Sorbonne. He is a filmmaker, producer and man of the media.

Ibrahim Iltaief is also involved in social work, and was, inter alia, the Director of the Association of Tunisian Filmmakers (ARFT: Association des réalisateurs de films tunisiens), besides being actively involved as a member of the International Network of ‘Cultural Exception’ (Seoul 2008), alongside being the chairman of the national unison of advertising agencies (SAPA).

Ibrahim Iltaief was the Director General of Carthage Film Festival (JCC) in 2015 and 2016, as well as its Artistic Director in 2020.
He was awarded
- The National Prize of Tunisian Cinema (2010)
- The Order of Cultural Merit of Tunisia (2016)
- And was made Chevalier des arts et des lettres (‘Knight of Arts and Letters’) in 2016


Film Submission

Film Submission for the 33nd edition of the CFF is due May 10, 2022