JCC 2022

Focus Palestine


Return to the Homeland...

With major films, some of which have never been seen before and have been freshly restored or digitised, dating back to 1969, and others which are much more recent, the selection of the Palestine focus attempts to reflect the artistic, historical and expressive diversity of Palestinian film production. This diversity represents the fertility of Palestinian cinematography and, moreover, it broadens its richness to include films by Arab filmmakers who are actively engaged and militate through their works for the Palestinian cause.

This selection shows a vision that goes beyond geographical boundaries: Art is the perfect tool to overcome borders, to unite people and to express compassion, solidarity and commitment.

This limited but rich selection highlights the works of Palestinian and Arab filmmakers united by a common commitment; Iraqi, Lebanese, Tunisian and Palestinian filmmakers express through their works their commitment to the Palestinian cause, their love and admiration for the Palestinian people who are heroically fighting for the liberation of their land, thus revealing the historically solid relationship between Palestinian and Arab cinema.

These outstanding works are distinguished by their humanism and inspire with stories of struggle and resistance. A struggle that is embodied by the figures represented on the screen as well as by the authors of these films who had to face extreme conditions; war, siege and financial difficulties, to complete their films.

Inspiring and improbable films that tell diverse stories of life and resistance. They are the intimate stories of ordinary people invested by an epic breath; a creative spirit that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. The radicality and cruelty of reality have given birth from the creative imagination of Palestinian filmmakers, works of shattering delicacy.

Monia Chroudi


Rashid Masharawi - Palestine (1994)