JCC 2022

Tale of the Three Jewels

Tale of the Three Jewels

Michel Khleifi - Palestine


First film shot in Gaza.
Youssef, a twelve-year-old Palestinian boy, falls in love with Aida, a gypsy and leader of a youth gang. Khleifi's enchanting fairy tale is set in the Gaza Strip in the early 1990s, during the last turbulent days of the Israeli occupation. From then on, Youssef seeks to get out of the Strip by any means necessary on the diamond trail.

Film details

Type : Fiction
Duration : 112 min
Year of production : 1995
Country : Palestine
Screenwriter : Michel Khleifi
Cinematography : Raymond Fromont
Editor : Marie Castro
Director : Michel Khleifi
Production company : Sindibad Films , Sourat Films

Michel Khleifi

He emigrated to Belgium at the age of twenty and began his career as a television reporter, for which he produced a series on Palestine in 1978-1981. His native country inspires his work: Fertile Memory (1980), Wedding in Galilee (1987), Canticle of the Stones (1990), The Tale of the Three Diamonds (1995). Khleifi's work appears to be the creation, on an initiative and under an external perspective, of a Palestinian cinematography from within.