JCC 2022

Panels 1

Arab-African cinematographic heritage in danger?

Despite the fact of being threatened by media neglect and irresponsible film footage destruction and material loss of archival films, It is very recently and in only some specific countries that the safeguarding of African and Arab cinematographic and audiovisual heritage has become the subject of particular attention.

Archival Films are considered as a precious heritage for the country that requires preservation and their digitization is mandatory. Nevertheless, due several reasons, it may encounter difficulties.

This panel will address the political, technological, infrastructural, economic and human resource issues facing African and Arab archival film and audiovisual footage.

Alex Moussa Sawadogo

Alex Moussa Sawadogo

Burkina Faso

Alex Moussa Sawadogo has been promoting African cinema for over 15 years. In 2007, he launched the first edition of the Afrikamera Festival in Berlin and then, in 2016, he created the Ouaga Film Lab, a film development and co-production laboratory in Burkina Faso. He has been the manager of the Fonds Jeune Création Francophone since its creation in 2017. He is currently the General Delegate of the Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou.

Catherine Ruelle

Catherine Ruelle


Catherine Ruelle is a journalist and a film critic. She has spent a large part of her career at RFI, as a political journalist, (international relations) and also as a film critic in numerous publications (Jeune Afrique, Afrique-Asie, Le Monde diplomatique). Since 1980, she started to organize several film events at the Forum des Images, the Cinémathèque française and the Musée Dapper in Paris. She has sat as a jury member on several occasions and co-authored several books on African cinema. Since 2010, she has led the meetings and debates of several festivals (dedicated to African and Maghreb cinema) in Morocco, Senegal and France. In 2017, she chaired the Jean Rouch Centenary Association, which organised events to commemorate the centenary of the Ehtnographe-Cinéaste in France and throughout the world.

Léa Baron

Léa Baron


Léa Baron joined the Cinémathèque Afrique of the French Institute in 2019. There, She followed up on the film projects of the Africa2020 Season, coordinated the restoration of films and worked on their promotion in the world in connection with the rights holders.
She holds a master's degree in International Cooperation Africa Middle East from the Institut des Mondes Africains at the Sorbonne Paris 1. She worked between 2017 and 2018 at the Alliance française de Kaolack in Senegal where she was in charge of the cinema programming.

Kassem Hawal

Kassem Hawal


Kassem Hawal is an Iraqi director currently based in the Netherlands. He was born in 1940 in Al Basra, Iraq. He studied theater acting and directing at the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad. He left Iraq in 1970 and traveled to Lebanon and Syria, where he focused on the making of political films. He has also worked on films by the PLO. He directed 28 documentaries and five features. Very active in the arts and culture in the Arab world, he was rewarded with honor in several film festivals, cultural and non cultural organizations, for his role in the Arabic and humanitarian culture.

Naja Al Ashkar

Naja Al Ashkar


Co-founder and manager of Nadi Li Kol Al Nas which works on preserving Lebanon's cultural heritage, particularly in the field of cinema, and aims to keep this heritage alive and to gather young people around its founding figures. He worked as executive producer of short movies (notably films about: Borhan Alawiya, Maroun Baghdadi, Christian Ghazi, Omar Zeeneh…). He was also the manager of the cinema club in the public library of Beirut Municipality and in Metro Al Madina. Currently, he is creating a Cinema House that will include an archival collection of the Lebanese and Arabic cinema. This Cinema House will provide a public place for the students, youth, researchers and cinema lovers.

Hedi Jallab

Hedi Jallab


Historian and professor at university. Director General of the National Archives of Tunisia. He has been President of the International Association of Francophone Archives and a member of the International Advisory Committee "Memory of the World" UNESCO.

Mounira Ben Hlima

Mounira Ben Hlima


Mounira Ben Halima, director general of Performing and Audiovisual Arts at the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. She was responsible for the management of the film library and the coordination with film associations. Then she was in charge of the management of Tunisian participation in international film festivals such as Cannes, Berlin, Venice. She was also the Director General of the Cultural Action. She also collaborated with the Tunisian Federation of Amateur Filmmakers, as she was secretary-general of the International Amateur Film Festival of Kélibia, during five editions.