JCC 2022

The Golden Clogs

The Golden Clogs

Nouri Bouzid - Tunisia


Youssef Soltane, a 45-year-old Tunisian intellectual, is the pure product of a generation that experienced the euphoric period of the great ideologies of the 1960s and then their collapse. He was imprisoned and tortured for his activities as a political opponent. Moreover, his tumultuous affair with Zineb, a young and beautiful bourgeois woman, only brings him setbacks. During a long winter night, Youssef wanders in search of an emotional refuge, prey to all the questions that shake his memory.

Film details

Type : Fiction
Duration : 104 min
Year of production : 1989
Country : Tunisia
Screenwriter : Nouri Bouzid
Cinematography : Nouri Bouzid
Editor : Kahéna Attia
Director : Nouri Bouzid
Production company : Cinétéléfilms