JCC 2022

Xalé: Childhood wounds

Xalé: Childhood wounds

Moussa Sene Absa - Senegal


Awa, a 15-year-old schoolgirl, is happily living her teenage years alongside her twin brother Adama. When their grandmother dies, her aunt and uncle promise to marry in order to preserve the family union. But Fatou does not love Atoumane and the latter, tired of waiting to consummate his marriage, commits an irretrievable act.

Film details

Type : Fiction
Duration : 101 min
Year of production : 2022
Country : Senegal
Screenwriter : Moussa Sene Absa, Piere Magny, Ben Diogaye Beye
Cinematography : Amath Niane
Editor : Pape Mbengue
Director : Moussa Sene Absa
Production company : Set Bet Setaa

Moussa Sene Absa

Moussa Sene Absa is a Senegalese director, his first short, The price of a lie, received the Silver Tanit at Carthage Film Festival 1988. He directed, among other films, “Madame Brouette” (Silver Bear, Berlinale 2002) and “Awa” (2022).